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Focus On A Peer Champion—Hayley Reardon

People can be mean, and sometimes when you’re my age it’s easy to feel like you’re all alone. Going to school and growing up is hard for everyone at times, but we often don’t think about how it could be easier for all of us if we faced it as a team. Hayley Reardon, age 13 Hayley is working with PACER, raising awareness of the Teens Against Bullying initiative and is featured as a Peer Champion, joining others teens to uniquely make a difference for others. Hayley song "She's Falling" is featured as a classroom resource that teachers and students can use to raise awareness during National Bullying Prevention Month in October. Hayley writes “To me, this song is about not knowing how to help someone who you can see is falling apart.” Although Hayley’s song was written about a girl she knew personally, she, like all of us, was moved by the story of Phoebe Prince, a 15 year old Irish immigrant attending school in Massachusetts, who after months of being subjected to bullying from her peers, committed suicide on January 14, 2010. Her song and lyrics are posted, along with classroom discussion questions. This is a great way for students to creatively engage in conversation about bullying and its often devastating outcomes. Special thanks to Hayley for her outstanding efforts in raising awareness!

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