It’s UNITY DAY! I am wearing orange today because when our son David (who was born with down syndrome, had a feeding tube, pacemaker, and...

What 80,000 Students Shared
I was interviewed for this article which outlines the results from a YouthTruth survey of 80,000 students. 80,000 Kids Just Replied to a...

Zero tolerance might sound good, but combating bullying can be as simple as speaking up
Appreciated the recent interview with Sydney Pope. Her questions were articulate, informed and insightful. Love this thorough, thoughtful...

Superintendent's Message
Since 2011, Unity Day has continued to grow and evolve. The first year, the tagline was simply UNITE AGAINST BULLYING. In 2016, the...

October is one of my favorite months!
A time to celebrate! Not only is it National Bullying Prevention Month, which is a time to celebrate kindness, inclusion and acceptance....

A reflection on Minnesota's Safe and Supportive Schools Act
Enjoyed reconnecting with Senator Scott Dibble who authored the successful 2014 passage of Minnesota's Safe and Supportive Schools Act,...

United for Kindness, Inclusion and Acceptance at PACER’s Run, Walk, Roll Against Bullying
PACER's 7th annual Run, Walk, Roll Against Bullying was another huge success! Top moments include: 1. Top dog! 2. Favorite quote!...

10-year Anniversary of National Bullying Prevention Month!
Answers to a few commonly asked questions during October. 1. If a parent suspects their child is being bullied, what’s the first step...

When Your Child is Being Bullied
Posted: Monday, October 3, 2016 2:00 pm When you discover your child is being bullied, you may feel a variety of emotions, from anger to...