Recognizing Youth Who Care!

I was delighted to receive the email below from an adult advisor, and was also very impressed with the resource shared by Joey on "School Bus Bullying Prevention" on the Transfinder website. Sharing a "job well done" to Danica, Joey, and all the youth in the program for caring, and doing what they can to help create a world without bullying.
I hope this email finds you well. My name is Danica, and I volunteer with an after-school learning program for teens. Our current focus is on the importance of kids' safety from physical, mental, and emotional harm, and we recently came across your website as a valuable resource.
As part of our program, we encourage our students to conduct their own research on related topics, and one of our students, Joey, found a valuable resource on preventing school bus bullying that we thought could be a great addition to your website. The resource can be found at
We believe this resource would be a valuable addition to your website and complement the other resources you have available. If you agree and would like to include it, please let us know, and we would be happy to share this news with Joey and his peers in our group.
Thank you for your consideration, and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
Danica Jones
Teacher | Advisor