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"Twin Day"

As homecoming week approaches for many schools across the nation, it seemed like a good time to revisit a section from the web site called “What’s Up With That?” which features students (using screen names) giving their opinions on various topics. This topic references the “dress up” days that are often associated with the week. “Twin Day” {incognito} Our family moved this summer, and starting 10th grade at a new school has been rough. I haven't made many friends. This week is Spirit Week, you know, those days when everyone is supposed to do things like wear pajamas or dress in school colors. Today was this thing called Twin Day. You’re supposed to get together with someone and dress alike. People who have a “twin” love it, but for people like me who don’t really fit in, it’s the worst day of the week. {stephisticated} Our school has the same day. A lot of kids get left out, but mostly it's those who are always left out, like the quiet, shy kids or those who are in special education--no one ever “twins” with them. {typeO} Get over yourselves--everybody gets left out sometime. That's just the way it is. What’s the big deal? {Cookie*monsta} Yeah. Our school has had Twin Day for years. A lot of people love it. No one has whined about it before. {theMAN37} But, kids do get left out. That can't feel good. {stephisticated} No kidding. Even though my best friend and I always pair up, I feel pretty bad for kids who don't. It just makes them stand out even more, and not in a good way. If I feel bad and it’s not even happening to me, think how it feels to be them. {baditude} Don't be pathetic. If someone isn't paired up, that's their problem, not anyone else's. {stephisticated} But that's just it. It's not their problem; they are being set up. Why should Spirit Week, which is supposed to pull students together, do something that hurts people? {AllSmiles} I agree. I don't want to be a part of something that hurts other people on purpose. {theMAN37} I'm with you. Down with Twin Day. There's got to be something better. I vote for Dress Like Your Parents Day or ’80s Day. {incognito} OMG, that would be so funny. I’m going to suggest that to the Student Council for next year.

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