Happy 20th Birthday David!

Last night, marked 20 years ago that our son David was born. He came into the world a dusky blue color, not breathing and was immediately rushed into an incubator with oxygen. There was lots of news during those first days of his life that was heard to hear, but among the most heartbreaking was when we were told that he had significant heart defects and even with surgery there were no guarantees. Funny thing is . . . David must have never listened to all that, because he just... kept on living life. Just kept on growing up. Waking up every day with a smile. With each passing year getting stronger and healthier. And now, last night, on his birthday, under a beautiful sky, he had the honor of throwing out the first pitch at the Saints baseball game. It was a pretty good birthday for a kid who had all odds against him.
Oh, and he rocked that pitch, overhand and all the way in!