Superintendent's Message

Since 2011, Unity Day has continued to grow and evolve. The first year, the tagline was simply UNITE AGAINST BULLYING. In 2016, the five-year anniversary the tagline is now "Together Against Bullying. United for Kindness, Acceptance and Inclusion.
This powerful essay written by Dr. Traci Pierce beautifully illustrates the importance of understanding the strength of uniting for characteristics that will help prevent bullying.
Growing Together, Serving our Community. United for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion
I love words. As a former English teacher, I studied the importance of words and I have great respect for their power. I strove to teach my students the power words hold, whether for beauty or darkness. Words have meaning and make meaning in our lives. They have the power to break down or build up, to edify or denigrate.
Words like unity, kindness, acceptance, inclusion, civility, dignity and respect have the power to shape thoughts and actions. These words are used to build community, foster collaboration, and restore hope. These words form the call to action for National Bullying Prevention Month: Be united for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.
October is National Bullying Prevention Month. This year marks the 10th anniversary of National Bullying Prevention Month, which is devoted to uniting communities around the world to educate and raise awareness of bullying prevention.
On October 19, Unity Day, students, staff, and families that care about safe and supportive schools and communities wear orange. This act of solidarity makes a vibrant and colorful statement of communities united against bullying and united for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.
As superintendent, my goal is for every single student to feel safe, included, respected, supported and connected at school. Children listen, watch, and learn from adults in their lives. They hear how we interact with one another, they watch how we treat each other, and they learn from what they see and hear. Our district staff is committed to being excellent role models for our students. We model what we expect, and we expect students to learn what we model.
My hope is that one day, every day can be Unity Day in the United States. While we may disagree on issues, I hope we can all agree that the next generation is looking to us, listening to us, and learning from us.
We are proud to be LWSD.
Dr. Traci Pierce