The universal language of kindness

Students who are bullied often tell us that "they feel alone" or that "they feel like no one cares."
We educate peers that one of the most powerful things you can for someone being bullied is to reach out to them, let them know that they are not alone. We also share that small acts matter.
Yesterday, I was reminded that simplicity is not only poetic, but its also incredibly meaningful.
I spend many Wednesday afternoons at the local library, along with other regulars. One of my favorites is a retired guy who often sits near me at the computers. We don't talk much, as we both wear headphones, and well . . .it is a library, and talking is somewhat frowned on.
The Wednesday before Thanksgiving he gave me a Reese's. Now every Wednesday he shares another one. It is becoming a ritual that I look forward to. And something that makes us both smile.
A small gesture, but I can tell that the routine of it makes us both happy. Its a shared moment that I look forward to each week. Two strangers finding a connection through kindness, the shared language that requires no words, only actions.