"I care . . ."

The start of a new year is often a time of reflection. This year, for me, I have given the question "what can I do to make the world a better place?" a lot of thought. Whenever I need inspiration and encouragement, I often read the posts added to "I care . . .", an interactive feature on PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center's website. The posts, while often heartbreaking, also give me hope. I see the wisdom, the courage from young people across the country which remind that kindness, acceptance and inclusion are not just words, but character traits with potential to make every young person feel a little safer, a little more valued, and a lot more supported.
Below I've shared just a few of the recent posts from 14 and 15-year-olds.
My little brother is really little, and he does have a disability. Many many people don't have the heart to realize that he didnt choose to be disabled. I look up for my little brother 100% and nobody deserves to be mistreated or looked down to. He's amazing, and I love him dearly, and he will change the world one day. stand up for everyone who you knows been bullied, because it really hurts.
Amanda, 15, az
I care because, I feel everyone should be treated fairly. No one should be judged for not having a lot of money, not being in a certain sport, no one should be judged for anything. I want to take a stand and take bullying out of my school. Everyone should realize we are all people, just fighting different battles.
Reagan - 14 - Pennsylvania
I care because i don't like seeing people down. No one can tell you who you are, what to do and how to be. Everyone is awesome and unique in their own way and that's more than enough .People shouldn't have to hide or feel they should need to be isolated from the world.
Osasha - 14 - Pennsylvania
I care because we all have feelings. Nobody should be bullied for how they look, live, or for being themselves, or for anything. Nobody is perfect, but everyone is human, and nobody deserves to be hurt. Everybody deserves to have respect, confidence, and the right to be themselves.
Alana - 14 - Pennsylvania
To read more, visit http://www.pacer.org/bullying/icarebecause/
Oh, and be sure to share your own post. The world is a better place because of those who care.