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The Ripple Effect

Shared by a friend today:

It takes a village...and there are times when no village is better than my village. This morning I was dropping Mallory off at school, and after she got out of the car, I glanced back and saw the lady on bus duty walk over to her, take Mallory's face in her mittened hands and say, "Good morning, Mallory! How are you?!" And Mallory just beamed back at her. Such a small thing, but I said a quick prayer of thanks for that lady (whoever she was!) and this village. Theresa

Scott Adam shared, "There is no such thing as a small act of kindness." Theresa's story beautifully illustrates this concept — when I read this I smiled. And it was a real smile. One in which I felt genuine happiness. Having read it first thing in the morning, that good feeling has stayed with me all through the day.

This one kind act, one individual reaching out to another, simply showing someone else that they matter, that they are valued, and that was done without expectation or the thought that someone would take note — was poetically touching and beautiful. It rippled. Mallory was happy, Theresa was grateful, anyone who read it was inspired and I was reminded that human connection is one of the most magical things we can do for each other.

This one act — let's keep it rippling.

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