World Down Syndrome Day!

Today, 03.21, is World Down Syndrome (a diagnosis in which the 21st chromosome splits three times) Day.
To celebrate I am sharing three 21-word poetic (albeit kind of bad poetry, but hey I’m trying) tributes about my son David.
Hanging out with David is like finding out that all the colorfully wrapped presents under the tree are just for you.
David defined is the guy who wakes up each morning, looks out the window, smiles, throws his arms up shouting SUN!
David reminds me of four-leaf-clover, flourishing as a rare delight, bringing happiness in the mystery of treasured, unexpected exceptions.
As an added bonus, closing out with a 21 word salute!
Cheers to everyone born with an extra 21st chromosome along with all you amazing people who know, care and support them!