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David and Hope - Life long friends

Twenty one years ago this summer, David and Hope were born just a few weeks apart in the same small community where their parents live. These two individuals with down syndrome met each other as infants, started early childhood education together as 3-year-olds, and attended school in the same grade all their lives.

Times are changing for them as Hope has now accepted a job at the local grocery store. Though they will no longer be together every day, this video interview is a testimony to their bond. David, is normally a quiet guy, usually communicating best with a smile,fist bump or one or two words. Hope is wonderfully articulate, but in this interview, she is the quiet one as David is determined and excited to share highlights of their friendship. Starting with prom, he talks about things they have done. To hear him speak this much, for me it shows that he really thinks the world of Hope!

Its a beautiful moment in the lives of two life long friends who mean so much to each other.

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