You're Not Alone, We're Here For You

Students who are bullied often report that they feel like:
no one understands what they are going through,
no matter what they do, the bullying will never stop, and
that they feel like no one cares, that they are all alone.
Think about how it must feel for someone being bullied,
when everyone around you looks the other way,
ignores you, and
maybe even sides with the person who is hurting you.
Think about how it would be to think that there is no way to change what is happening to you. When you’re the one being bullied, it's hard to believe in yourself, it's hard to see that life will ever be any different.
That's a lonely place to be.
Imagine how all that can be different. Imagine if those that witness bullying, whether it’s another student, a parent, an educator, or community member sent the powerful message that they are there for those who are being bullied. Imagine that reach out and provide kindness, support and hope. Imagine during those times when someone experiences the pain of being bullied that knew that they are not alone. You can be that person and you can also encourage others to be there.
Order the “You're Not Alone, We're Here for You” toolkit
A complete event toolkit provides resources and giveaways to initiate conversation and action on ways to “be there” for those who experience bullying, providing kindness, hope, and support. The toolkit can be used in coordination with a bullying prevention event in the school or community, such as a Run, Walk, Roll Against Bullying, school open house, or parent-teacher conferences.
Together we can unite against bullying, share the common message, that all students have the right to feel safe and included. Together, we can change what has happened to so many for so long.