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Our son David has always loved to RUN! One of his favorite events is PACER's annual RUN, WALK, ROLL AGAINST BULLYING. While our in person event was cancelled due to the pandemic, the great news is that this APRIL anyone can participate in the event, as it's FREE and your mileage (run, walk, roll, stroll, bike, hike, swim - indoor or outdoor) can be done anytime, anywhere. The goal is to collectively get 24,901 miles (the distance around the earth) to symbolically help create a world without bullying.

If you are interested helping prevent bullying and create a world that is a little kinder, more accepting and inclusive. there are two options to register:

  • As an individual, or

  • Create your own team (such as I've done with TEAM DAVID) and encourage family and friends to join as well.

Registration is free and available at

Plus, you and team members can "go the extra mile" with a donation or merchandise purchase, with proceeds from sales helping provide free resources to students, families, and educators.



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