How to Know if Your Child is Being Bullied
The article, “How to Know if Your Child Is Being Bullied”, written by Jamie Howard, PhD of Child Mind Institute provides a helpful...
A Thank You Letter to My Brother's Classmates
Blog post written by Laura Hertzog for her brother David Hertzog about his school experience On May 22nd, 2015 at 7:00 in the evening I...

March 21 is World Down Syndrome Day!
March 21 is World Down Syndrome Day! I remember the moment when the doctor handed Jim and I the small slip of white paper with David's...

The Bystander Effect: Why You Don't Stand Up When You Should
by Courtney Lindstrand, TEEN VOGUE ' Expert tips on how to take a stand when you see someone being bullied. Bullying is an...

At age 3, David didn't walk; he scooted. He could sit on his behind and motor those crisscrossed legs across a wooden floor faster than...

Borrowed Brains: Q&A with Julie Hertzog, founder of National Bullying Prevention Month
By Dan Cardinali Oct. 13, 2014 Posted from Communities in Schools Communities In Schools is doing its part to end bullying, but we’re...
Bullies and Bystanders: What Experts Say
Click here to view the video! SHOUT OUT Special thanks to Be Smart. Be Well for featuring Detective Hollendoner of the Chicago Police...
Inspired by Down syndrome
I love this story, posted in TELESCOPE magazine, because it shows that some of our most powerful lessons are those that we learn from our...
Bullying and Suicide: What's the Connection?
This article posted as a blog to the website provides insight into bullying and suicide. Post date: December 30, 2013...

Safe and Supportive Minnesota Schools Act — Signed Into Law April 9, 2014
It was very moving to be a part of Governor Dayton’s historic signing of the “Safe and Supportive Minnesota Schools Act", which took...