Unity Day – Wear and share ORANGE on Wed., 10/21
UNITY DAY, the signature event for National Bullying Prevention Month, will take place on Wednesday, October 21. This is the day when...

Student Voice
It's so important to hear from and listen to youth perspective about bullying prevention. This 11-year-old shares, "I care because . . ....

"Tell An Adult"
Young people are often told, “tell an adult” which is great advice, but how do exactly do they do that? This poster has helpful...

Why Do Some Kids Attract Bullies’ Attention? by Lori Orlinsky
Thank you Lori for interviewing me for your important article! Julie Kristal Leon should have been celebrating her daughter Priscilla...

Wisdom from a 12-year-old student
Sharing a beautiful statement recently submitted by a 12-year-old student through "I Care Because . . ." -- “I care and I’m gonna stop...

High school seniors are graduating during an unprecedented pandemic. These students, the first generation of graduates born after 9/11,...

New Publication!
Cyberbullying: What Parents Should Know During this time of COVID-19, sheltering-at-home, and distance learning, it is more important...

During this "shelter in place" period, to encourage our community to continue sharing kindness (even if it might look a little different...

Episode 24, Live Above the Noise: The Choice-Full Family Project
Dr. Rob Reiher and Wayne Yercha of Live About the Noise: The Choice-Full Family Project continue our conversation on bullying prevention....

Episode 23, Live Above the Noise: The Choice-Full Family Project
I had a wonderful conversation with Dr. Rob Reiher and Wayne Yercha of Live About the Noise: The Choice-Full Family Project. We recorded...