United Through Encouraging and Motivational Messages
We loved receiving this very special donation from students at Temple University in which they cut wide strips of orange construction...

Keeping the Digital Playground Safe
In her HEMAWARE online magazine article, "Bullying Goes High-Tech: How parents can help kids cope in the age of cyberbullying" authour...

What Harry Potter Teaches Us About Overcoming Bullying
For all you Harry Potter fans, and well really anyone, who are interested in what sort of supports can be helpful for those experiencing...

MRCI Unity Day 2019 Video
My son David, who was born with down syndrome, twice a week attends MRCI, which creates innovative and genuine opportunities for people...

Can a Friend Be Bullying Me?
"Starting this year, I have been consistently excluded by a person I thought was my friend. My "friend" acts like I'm not cool enough to...

Unity Day, So Many Stories To Share
On Wednesday, October 24, 2019, thousands around the nation celebrated UNITY DAY! Unity Day, started by PACER’s National Bullying...

What YOU Can Do
We are often asked the questions "what can I do to help someone being bullied or to help prevent bullying?" This 4-part handout series...

YOUTH BOARD Acrostic Poem
Our youth board "Faces of Change" created this wonderful poem, then presented it at our 5th annual Unity Awards. It's simply beautiful....
I Continue to Hold Hope
Students from around the world send us their insightful, compelling and often heartbreaking stories. The wisdom of what is shared is...

Students with Abilities to Coordinate to Help Each other (S.A.C.H.E.)
We love Unity Day, a designated day in October to unite for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion by wearing and sharing orange. One of our...